Sunday 17 June 2007

Vodka is the Cure to Everything

Why is it that we feel the need to go out and get completely drunk on a weekend, it is such an English thing, you go to many countries and there is not the binge drinking.

You know what, I don't actually care, I enjoy spending weekends with my friends, and if I just happen to get drunk on the weekend, then thats all the better.

Also when you have had a few drinks everything seems better, so vodka really is the cure to everything.

I'm not condoning drinking and alcoholism, after all thats a personal thing, only if you choose to drink lots should you. But never blame circumstances for your drinking problems, drinking is a choice, you are not forced to do it.

It really annoys me when you see Alcoholics on TV programs complaining about their lives, and how their kids or family have drove them to drink, thats a load of rubbish. They picked up a can and opened it, it was not put in their hands by someone else.

Yes drinking can be addictive, but as with anything, if you get addicted then you go to your doctors or health center and seek help, not continue to do something which is something you say you don't want to do.

I suppose I should get out of bed and actually do something, although its Sunday so its a great day for being lazy, and I am not working tomorrow so can really chill today, even though I am sure I am supposed to be helping someone do something, but I cant remember if its today or tomorrow, oh well nevermind a quick phonecall will solve that issue up.

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