Monday 18 June 2007


Isn't it strange how we all have habits, and we don't always notice them.

For example we know about general habits, like smoking, drinking etc, but what about the silly habits that annoy other people.

One habit that really annoys me is some peoples habit of totally not looking at you when they are speaking to you, it makes me wonder whether they are speaking to me or just speaking for the sake of it.

I know I can often be just as bad, but I try my best to actually look at the person I am speaking to, because I find it quite rude otherwise.

Mind you saying that, I may have manners but I can be very blunt and rude without even thinking about it. 

All these stop smoking adverts are getting annoying, they are totally pointless, if people want to give up they know where to go, we have seen the adverts enough now.  Where is all this money coming from to pay for the adverts, us tax payers, so if you don't smoke you are paying for the smokers to give up, so you are still being taxed for smokers.

The no smoking ban from 1st of July will stop lots of people smoking, so the adverts are still pointless.


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